Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

meaning of food

Food is a substance, usually derived d ' animal or vegetable, is consumed by human beings live to provide nutrition l funds ' energy. The liquid used to this effect is often called a glass, but the food the word "may also be used." This term is sometimes used with metaphor, as "" food for thought"." Adequacy of food can be assessed by anthropométrique status nutritional meals human needs are usually taken by l ' farming or gardening, including plant and animal sources. Some people refuse to eat food animals, meat, eggs, and others. Those that n ' love not eating meat and others are called vegetarians who do that eat vegetables as staple food.Every food has a different nutrient. Protein, carbohydrates, fats, etc. is one example, we'll get nutrients from food. Each type of nutrition that we get has a different function. Carbohydrates are energy sources that we get everyday. One example of foods containing carbohydrates is rice. Proteins are used by the body to help our growth, both brain and body. Fats are used by our body as food and as a backup energy reserves. Fat will be used when the body lacks carbohydrates, and fat will break down into glucose which is very useful for our body when we need energy.


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